Spectators are reminded that number of tickets for all sectors and all price categories are limited.


Buying a ticket, holding it in your possession and being at the Event venue is an approval that the spectator has read, and agreed with, these rules.


  • Entry tickets to the Event can be bought ONLY in Biļešu Serviss locations and/or online at bilesuserviss.lv. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE TICKETS FROM STRANGE CHANNELS AND PEOPLE! ORGANIZER WARNS - BE AWARE, DON'T TRUST! THERE IS JUST ONE OFFICIAL TICKET CHANNEL!
  • Each ticket has a unique bar code. The unique bar code can be used to enter the Event venue once and to get entry bracelet.
  • The ticket works as printed or digital form in smart device, must be shown at entrance to the venue. Organiser does not bear any responsibility about tickets with bar codes that are unreadable (cannot be scanned) at the entrance of the Event and/or tickets that have already been scanned.
  • In order to protect yourselves from buying counterfeit tickets, please buy tickets only in the locations specified by the organiser.
  • Copying and/or illegally duplicating the tickets, as well as counterfeiting and illegal reproduction of the tickets is strictly forbidden, and is a criminal offense.
  • Organiser will immediately inform law enforcement institutions on persons selling or using for entry counterfeit tickets. The person purchasing a counterfeit ticket bears all the associated risk.
  • Damaged or counterfeit tickets are not valid, and cannot be returned to the organiser.
  • Organiser does not bear any responsibility for unused tickets, and these will not be refunded.


  • Entrance in the Event is possible only with a valid ticket. At the venue entrance, the unique bar code of the ticket will be read (scanned), and, according to the chosen sector, the spectator will receive a wristband that needs to be put around the wrist in a way that it is impossible to take off without tearing it.
  • The wristband must be around the wrist of the spectator throughout the Event both days of the Event. After day one, the spectator must not damage or remove the wristband if he/she wishes to attend day two of the Event.
  • It is strictly forbidden to give your wristband to another person.
  • Organiser has the right to check these wristbands at the entrance and exit of the venue, as well as inside it. The spectator must have the wristband, and it cannot be damaged, opened, or given to another person.
  • A spectator without a wristband will have to leave the venue immediately and, depending on the circumstances, a decision will be made regarding involving law enforcement. If damaged, opened and otherwise invalid wristbands are found, the organiser has a right to expel a spectator in possession of such a wristband from the venue, while confiscating the damaged wristband, as well as to get in touch with law enforcement regarding this person for criminal prosecution. A decision on whether a wristband is damaged is made by the organiser, or an appointed person, based on a visual inspection of it, compared to a valid wristband.
  • For spectators whose wristband has been confiscated because of invalid wristband, inappropriate behaviour or others reasons, has no rights to get back in venue by receiving new wristband on entrance.
  • Spectators can attend the second day of the Event only with a valid and undamaged wristband, if the ticket had been exchanged for a wristband on day one of the Event.
  • Wristbands will differ based on spectator’s chosen sector for viewing the Event. When attending the Event, spectators can only BE in the sector for which they bought a ticket and received a wristband.


  • Children who are not yet 10 years of age at the day of the Event can attend the Event free of charge, if they do not take up a separate seat in the grandstands. Throughout the venue Event, all children must be supervised by adults (either parents or guardians). Parents or guardians are personally responsible for their underage children and their safety.
  • JUNIORS aged from 10 to 18 (including, are not yet 10 years of age at the day of the Event) years of age can buy a Junior ticket at a reduced price.
  • At entrance to the venue, children up to (and including) 17 years of age, together with the purchased Junior ticket or a free children`s ticket must show a valid ID.
  • Children and JUNIORS up to (and including) 17 years of age must be supervised by adults. Organiser bears no responsibility of the safety of children if they do not obey these rules and/or are not being supervised by an adult.
  • The sale of alcoholic beverages at the venue takes place in accordance with the Latvian “Alkoholisko dzērienu aprites likums” (Law of alcoholic beverage circulation), which states that it is illegal to sell alcoholic beverages to persons younger than 18 years of age.


  • At entrance of the Event, the person with a disability must show a valid disability certificate. If a person does not have such a document, the organiser has a right to not let this person, and their assistant, inside the venue.
  • People with movement based disabilities, including those in wheelchairs – with or without an assistant: if the assistant to the disabled person has been assigned by law, the assistant will be able to buy a ticket for a special price  at all Biļešu Serviss locations or online at bilesuserviss.lv. This ticket will allow the assistant to enter the Event along with the person with disabilities.
  • People with movement based disabilities, including those in wheelchairs, will be able to watch the Event from A grandstand, with their assistants on the seats next to them.
  • In case if person with disabilities is children, who is not older than 18, children`s assistant must contact race organizer [email protected] to fix the tickets
  • Organiser would like to remind spectators to buy Event tickets in advance, as their number is limited. Organiser has the right to stop selling tickets and/or not allow attendance to more people than the venue can hold safely. The maximum number of spectators in each sector is limited.
  • The rules listed above only apply to people whose disability certificate has been issued in Latvia.


  • It is strictly forbidden to use the Event, its website or tickets in any advertising, marketing campaigns, giveaways, lotteries, contests, and/or other activities without consent from the organiser.
  • Any action that can create a false impression of a collaboration with the organiser is forbidden.
  • If the use of tickets is found to have been used in advertising, marketing campaigns, giveaways, lotteries, contests and/or other activities without consent from the organiser, a fine of 3000 EUR (five thousand euro) must be paid to the organiser for each such instance.
  • Sales of goods or services, marketing or advertising activities and/or other activities with the objective to benefit or popularize a good and/or service at the Event are only allowed with written consent from the organiser.
  • Any commercial activity at the Event is strictly forbidden without a written consent from the organiser.


  • By being present in the Event, a spectator agrees that he/she can be filmed and/or photographed during the Event, and videos or photos that include the spectator can be used for commercial, including advertising, purposes without any payment or copyrights issues.
  • Spectators are prohibited from filming the Event if the material is used for commercial purposes.
  • Spectators are prohibited from photographing the Event, if the pictures are to be used for commercial purposes.
  • Spectator agrees that, in order to provide a safe environment for everyone, he/she can be asked to show valid ID/tickets and can be subject to a bag check.
  • Organiser has a right to change the Event programme without prior warning.
  • Organiser bears no responsibility on the quality of the foods, drinks or any merchandise sold in the venue. Full responsibility of the quality of these aforementioned products is borne by the particular service or goods provider.
  • Organiser bears no responsibility about any possible checks or work done by governmental institutions during the Event.
  • Sale of alcoholic beverages in the venue is in accordance with the Latvian “Alkoholisko dzērienu aprites likums” (Law of alcoholic beverage circulation), which states that it is illegal to sell alcoholic beverages to persons younger than 18 years of age, and it is illegal for these persons to buy such beverages. In order to verify the age of a person, a retailer must ask for a valid ID. For persons aged 18 to 25, it is necessary to show a valid ID when buying an alcoholic beverage regardless of a retailer asking for it.
  • If is prohibited to sell energy drinks to persons under the age of 18 years and these persons are not allowed to purchase them.
  • Organiser has a right to refuse selling alcoholic beverages to spectators who are intoxicated and/or in such a state that they can be a danger to themselves or others.
  • At the venue, it is forbidden to video and / or make sound recordings, play music and records with sound amplifying devices, or show videos in public.
  • Spectators must also respect any rules not written in this document, which have been given out by the organiser before or during the Event.
  • Part of the Event content is produced in English and might not be translated.


  • Motorsports can be dangerous! Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, accidents can happen. Please be aware that you are spactating at your own risk.
  • Spectators must themselves evaluate whether they are safe at the venue.
  • Organiser or an appointed person has the right to not let in or expel spectators from the venue, if the behaviour of a spectator interferes or could interfere with other spectators and/or the organiser, and/or the safety and well-being of the competitors, or in cases when a spectator does not follow these rules or directions from the organiser. If the spectator will be expelled from the venue, the spectator’s wristband will be confiscated. The spectator has no rights to get back in venue by receiving new wristband.
  • Spectators can be searched at the entrance as a safety precaution.
  • It is strictly forbidden to enter the venue with weapons, explosives, drugs and/or alcohol. If any of the aforementioned items are found with a spectator, the organiser or an appointed person has the right to confiscate these items and expel the spectator from the Event.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use, sell, keep or bring drugs into the venue.
  • It is forbidden for spectators to bring motorized transportation and/or bikes, skateboards, scooters or scooters into the venue, please leave them near entrance.
  • As a safety precaution, it is forbidden to bring strollers (baby carriers) into the tribunes.
  • At the entrance of the Event, items prohibited from bringing into the venue (professional video equipment, photo and video hardware stands, drugs and other intoxicating substances, food, alcoholic beverages, as well as non-alcoholic beverages (with the exception of special food and beverages for toddlers and children up to 6 (six) years of age), large objects and objects that can endanger or cause discomfort for other spectators or organisers (weapons, explosives, knives, gas containers, laser pens, glass objects, metallic and wooden flag sticks etc.).
  • Organiser does not bear any responsibility about injuries sustained by spectators during the Event.
  • Organiser does not bear any responsibility about damaged, lost or stolen personal belongings.
  • It is forbidden to use an open fire in the Event venue.
  • It is forbidden to bring animals (except service dogs) into the Event venue.
  • Spectators must follow the directions given by the organiser and their appointed persons, including the safety and security teams.
  • The organiser or its appointed person has the right not to allow persons into the paddock who could interfere with the activities of the competitors and / or their teams or endanger the safety and health or life of other spectators and / or organisers and / or competitors.
  • Spectators are obliged to take care of their safety and life by being in the paddock and throughout the whole Event venue.
  • Children and teenagers up to 16 years of age are only allowed to enter the paddock if they are supervised by an adult.


  • When entering the Event, please use the e-ticket instead of printed ticket!
  • Spectators must treat the environment with care. Organisers ask to place any trash in the specified areas or trashcans.
  • Always clean your area when leaving!
  • Respect the property of others and follow instructions provided by the organiser on environmental protection!


  • Organiser does not bear any responsibility about cars and the personal belongings left in them that are parked near, or inside the Event venue.